Ethereum: Unconfirmed Transaction >22 hrs [duplicate]

Ethereum: Unconfirmed Transaction > 22 Hours

I know this topic has been covered extensively online, with many solutions and workarounds available. However, I couldn’t find a detailed answer to my question beyond the obvious suggestion to wait.

To clarify, an unconfirmed transaction on Ethereum refers to a transaction that has not yet been confirmed by the Ethereum network’s validators. These transactions are essentially “pending” until they are verified and added to the blockchain.

The time it takes for a transaction to go through the validation process can vary greatly depending on several factors, including:

  • Network congestion: High network traffic means that more transactions will take longer to process.
  • Transaction complexity

    : Transactions with multiple steps (e.g. sending and receiving assets) take longer to validate than simple transactions.

  • Validator load

    Ethereum: Unconfirmed Transaction >22 hrs [duplicate]<br />
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<p>: The number of validators currently validating transactions can affect processing speed.</li>
<p>On average, a transaction takes about 10 minutes to go through the validation process on Ethereum, but this can range from a few seconds to several hours or even days, depending on the factors mentioned above.</p>
<p>Given that you sent your transaction yesterday and it has already taken over 22 hours to process, it is likely still pending verification. However, I must emphasize that there is no guaranteed timeline for processing time, and the Ethereum validation process can be unpredictable at times.</p>
<p>If you are experiencing delays or issues with your transaction, I recommend checking the following:</p>
<li><strong>Check the Ethereum blockchain</strong>: Make sure that your wallet and the recipient have the correct addresses.</li>
<li><strong>Check network congestion</strong>: Look for any signs of increased network activity (e.g. high gas prices).</li>
<li><strong>Wait patiently</strong>: If you have already waited for 22 hours, there is not much more you can do at this point.</li>
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